The TMR880i consists of a radio transceiver and a separate control unit for easy installation and use in a wide variety of vehicles. The radio unit can be integrated into – and controlled by – an external device or application, making it ideal for data applications such as telemetry,positioning and remote control.
The CUR-3 control unit has a professional, balanced design and a large colour display for optimised visibility, even in changing light conditions. Voice feedback guides the user in talk group selection and the Fast Menu functions enabling reliable and intuitive operation.
Configurable menus and keys and a “Go to” quick menu enable customising of the radio to meet
an organisation’s precise needs.
TMR880i supports smart card based end-to-end encryption.
Communications can be encrypted all the way from the sending unit to the receiving unit.This encryption solution provides the highest level of security, allowing implementation of organisation ‘s specific encryption algorithms.
The TMR880i has an integrated slot for the smart card. An external smart card reader is available for further flexibility. The JavaTM platform allows organisations easily introduce its own applications with a customised user interface. With its integrated GPS receiver, the TMR880i can provide the user – as well as the command and control centre – with accurate position information.